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Daewoo Matiz 2020 - Small mini car easy to drive in large cities

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Hyundai Elantra 2020 - Powerful compact with a bold and beautiful look

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Your Car Maintenance Checklist for Ghana

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Toyota Rav4 2020 - Nicely designed and family-friendly yet captivating

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Toyota Yaris 2019 - Fuel-efficient car with good road performance

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50% reduction on import taxes, 30% on vehicles

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​​​​​​​Kumasi welcomes Uber

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Road Safety Campaign

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Ethiopia replaces Ghana as the Top Fastest Growing Economy in Africa

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Ghana: Acquisition of a driver’s license

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Ghana: Taking precautions against vehicle sale fraudsters

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AMA to charge cars Ghc4 daily for on-street parking

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Ghanaians need befitting roads not befitting burials

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Ghana: Alarming high number of accidents and fatalities on roads

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Government saves $3m from Mahama car deal

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Arrival of new presidential vehicles

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Kuami Eugene’s new ride is faulty

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Ghana’s first domestic vehicle manufacture and assembly company, Kantanka Automobile Company Ltd

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Motorists unable to afford new imported cars due to high duties

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Most popular cars in Accra, Ghana

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Groupe Ndoum setting up an automobile center in Elmina

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Drivers and car owners in mud rush to acquire 2018 plate numbers